


HumanData is a subclass of python built-in class dict, containing single-view, image-based data for a human being. It has a well-defined base structure for universal data, but it is also compatible with customized data for new features. A native HumanData contains values in numpy.ndarray or python built-in types, it holds no data in torch.Tensor, but you can convert arrays to torch.Tensor(even to GPU Tensor) by easily.

Key/Value definition

The keys and values supported by HumanData are described as below.

  • image_path: (N, ), list of str, each element is a relative path from the root folder (exclusive) to the image.

  • bbox_xywh: (N, 5), numpy array, bounding box with confidence, coordinates of bottom-left point x, y, width w and height h of bbox, score at last.

  • config: (), str, the flag name of config for individual dataset.

  • keypoints2d: (N, 190, 3), numpy array, 2d joints of smplx model with confidence, joints from each datasets are mapped to HUMAN_DATA joints.

  • keypoints3d: (N, 190, 4), numpy array, 3d joints of smplx model with confidence. Same as above.

  • smpl: (1, ), dict, keys are [‘body_pose’: numpy array, (N, 23, 3), ‘global_orient’: numpy array, (N, 3), ‘betas’: numpy array, (N, 10), ‘transl’: numpy array, (N, 3)].

  • smplx: (1, ), dict, keys are [‘body_pose’: numpy array, (N, 21, 3),’global_orient’: numpy array, (N, 3), ‘betas’: numpy array, (N, 10), ‘transl’: numpy array, (N, 3), ‘left_hand_pose’: numpy array, (N, 15, 3), ‘right_hand_pose’: numpy array, (N, 15, 3), ‘expression’: numpy array (N, 10), ‘leye_pose’: numpy array (N, 3), ‘reye_pose’: (N, 3), ‘jaw_pose’: numpy array (N, 3)].

  • meta: (1, ), dict, its keys are meta data from dataset like ‘gender’.

  • keypoints2d_mask: (190, ), numpy array, mask for which keypoint is valid in keypoints2d. 0 means that the joint in this position cannot be found in original dataset.

  • keypoints3d_mask: (190, ), numpy array, mask for which keypoint is valid in keypoints3d. 0 means that the joint in this position cannot be found in original dataset.

  • misc: (1, ), dict, keys and values are defined by user. The space misc takes(sys.getsizeof(misc)) shall be no more than 6MB.

Key check in HumanData.

Only keys above are allowed as top level key in a default HumanData. If you cannot work with that, there’s also a way out. Construct a HumanData instance with __key_strict__ == False:

human_data =
human_data['video_path'] = 'test.mp4'

The returned human_data will allow any customized keys, logging a warning at the first time HumanData sees a new key. Just ignore the warning if you do know that you are using a customized key, it will not appear again before the program ends.

If you have already constructed a HumanData, and you want to change the strict mode, use set_key_strict:

human_data = HumanData.fromfile('human_data.npz')
key_strict = human_data.get_key_strict()
human_data.set_key_strict(not key_strict)

Value check in HumanData.

Only values above will be check when human_data[key] == value is called, and the constraints are defined in HumanData.SUPPORTED_KEYS.

For each value, an exclusive type must be specified under its key:

'smpl': {
    'type': dict,

For value as numpy.ndarray, shape and dim shall be defined:

'keypoints3d': {
    'type': np.ndarray,
    'shape': (-1, -1, 4),
    # value.ndim==3, and value.shape[2]==4
    # value.shape[0:2] is arbitrary.
    'dim': 0
    # dimension 0 marks time(frame index, or second)

For value which is constant along frame axis, set dim to -1 to ignore frame check:

'keypoints3d_mask': {
    'type': np.ndarray,
    'shape': (-1, ),
    'dim': -1

Data compression

Compression with mask

As the keypoint convention named HUMAN_DATA is a union of keypoint definitions from various datasets, it is common that some keypoints are missing. In this situation, the missing ones are filtered by mask:

# keypoints2d_agora is a numpy array in shape [frame_num, 127, 3].
# There are 127 keypoints defined by agora.
keypoints2d_human_data, mask = convert_kps(keypoints2d_agora, 'agora', 'human_data')
# keypoints2d_human_data is a numpy array in shape [frame_num, 190, 3], only 127/190 are valid
# mask is a numpy array in shape [190, ], with 127 ones and 63 zeros inside

Set keypoints2d_mask and keypoints2d. It is obvious that there are redundant zeros in keypoints2d:

human_data = HumanData()
human_data['keypoints2d_mask'] = mask
human_data['keypoints2d'] = keypoints2d_human_data

Call compress_keypoints_by_mask() to get rid of the zeros. This method checks if any key containing keypoints has a corresponding mask, and performs keypoints compression if both keypoints and masks are present. :


Call get_raw_value() to get the compressed raw value stored in HumanData instance. When getting item with [], the keypoints padded with zeros will be returned:

keypoints2d_human_data = human_data.get_raw_value('keypoints2d')
print(keypoints2d_human_data.shape)  # [frame_num, 127, 3]
keypoints2d_human_data = human_data['keypoints2d']
print(keypoints2d_human_data.shape)  # [frame_num, 190, 3]

In keypoints_compressed mode, keypoints are allowed to be edited. There are two different ways, set with padded data or set the compressed data directly:

padded_keypoints2d = np.zeros(shape=[100, 190, 3])
human_data['keypoints2d'] = padded_keypoints2d  # [frame_num, 190, 3]
compressed_keypoints2d = np.zeros(shape=[100, 127, 3])
human_data.set_raw_value('keypoints2d', compressed_keypoints2d)  # [frame_num, 127, 3]

When a HumanData instance is in keypoints_compressed mode, all masks of keypoints are locked. If you are trying to edit it, a warning will be logged and the value won’t change. To modify a mask, de-compress it with decompress_keypoints():


Features above also work with any key pairs like keypoints* and keypoints*_mask.

Compression for file

Call dump() to save HumanData into a compressed .npz file.

The dumped file can be load by load() :

# save
# load
another_human_data = HumanData()

Sometimes a HumanData instanse is too large to dump, an error will be raised by numpy.savez_compressed(). In this case, call dump_by_pickle and load_by_pickle for file operation.

Compression by key

If a HumanData instance is in not in key_strict mode, it may contains unsupported items which are not necessary. Call pop_unsupported_items() to remove those items will save space for you:

human_data = HumanData.fromfile('human_data_not_strict.npz')
# set instance.__key_strict__ from True to False will also do

Data selection

Select by shape

Assume that keypoints2d is an array in shape [200, 190, 3], only the first 10 frames are needed:

first_ten_frames = human_data.get_value_in_shape('keypoints2d', shape=[10, -1, -1])

In some situation, we need to pad all arrays to a certain size:

# pad keypoints2d from [200, 190, 3] to [200, 300, 3] with zeros
padded_keypoints2d = human_data.get_value_in_shape('keypoints2d', shape=[200, 300, -1])
# padding value can be modified
padded_keypoints2d = human_data.get_value_in_shape('keypoints2d', shape=[200, 300, -1], padding_constant=1)

Select temporal slice

Assume that there are 200 frames in a HumanData instance, only data between 10 and 20 are needed:

# all supported values will be sliced
sub_human_data = human_data.get_slice(10, 21)

Downsample is also supported, for example, select 33%:

# select [0, 3, 6, 9,..., 198]
sub_human_data = human_data.get_slice(0, 200, 3)

To torch.Tensor

As introduced, a native HumanData contains values in numpy.ndarray or python built-in types, but the numpy.ndarray can be easily convert to torch.Tensor:

# All values as ndarray will be converted to a cpu Tensor.
# Values in other types will not change.
# It returns a dict like HumanData.
dict_of_tensor =
# GPU is also supported
gpu0_device = torch.device('cuda:0')
dict_of_gpu_tensor =


MulitHumanData is designed to support multi-human body mesh recovery, who inherits from HumanData. In HumanData, the data can be accessed directly through the index, because the data and the image are in one-to-one correspondence. However, data and image have a many-to-one correspondence in MultiHumanData.

Based on HumanData, MultiHumanData adds a new key named 'frame_range' as follows:

'frame_range': {
        'type': np.ndarray,
        'shape': (-1, 2),
        'dim': 0

frame_range and image are in one-to-one correspondence. Each element in frame_range has two pointers that point to a data-block.

Suppose we have an instance of MultiHumanData and we want to access the data corresponding to the i-th image. First, we index the frame_range using primary index i, which will return two points. We then use these two pointers to access all data corresponding to the i-th image.

image_0  ----> human_0      <--- frame_range[0][0]
         -       .
          -      .
           --> human_(n-1)  <--- frame_range[0][0] + (n-1)
            -> human_n      <--- frame_range[0][1]

image_n  ----> human_0     <--- frame_range[n][0]
         -       .
          -      .
           --> human_(n-1)  <--- frame_range[n][0] + (n-1)
            -> human_n     <--- frame_range[n][1]

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